
Tuesday 4 July 2023


Not a huge surprise and it's a bit of a stretch to call it a village, but these stone throwers need to think about their transport requirements when Net Zero hits them. Don't they watch the BBC?

trentbarton threatens to divert services after bus attacks in Derbyshire village

Passengers were on the bus when vandals threw stones at it

A regional bus company has warned that it may be forced to divert buses from a Derbyshire village after vehicles were attacked on the roads. Trentbarton operates local and regional services across Derbyshire and the East Midlands.

The bus company has issued the warning after several buses were targeted by people throwing stones in the village of Cotmanhay. The window of an Ilkeston flyer bus was smashed on Saturday, July 1, at 6.50pm.


Sam Vega said...

"Ilkeston Flyer" has a wonderfully Victorian provincialism about it.

dearieme said...

I think we need you to tell us what is special about that "village".

A K Haart said...

Sam - it certainly does. I'm surprised the ASA hasn't told them to change the name because it doesn't fly there.

dearieme - apart from driving through it because we had too I don't know it at all, but if appearances are any guide I won't drive through it again.