
Sunday 16 July 2023

We don't need no members

The National Trust must become more like Extinction Rebellion’

The National Trust and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds need to be more like Extinction Rebellion, one of its leading activists has said.

Roc Sandford, 65, known as an aristocratic millionaire hermit and radical environmental activist who strategises from his hut on the tiny Scottish island of Gometra, said: “They’re not pulling their weight on using the tremendous power they’ve got just through their membership numbers to drive policy change.”

Maybe some of our politicians and media folk could strategise from huts. Net Zero huts of course, with Net Zero facilities.


Sam Vega said...

The trouble is, he has already got the members. If he was an honest person, offering a vision of custodianship of the national heritage combined with woke nonsense about climate change, slavery reparations, and sexuality, then we could stand back and see how many takers he gets, and whether the subscriptions and the organic cafe receipts pay for the vision to be realised.

But he won't do that. He's just squatting: occupying an organisation created by people who had entirely different intentions, and who were overwhelmingly superior to him. And although I gave up membership because I rejected the woke nonsense, few others will. If you've got an interest in history, or countryside, or beautiful things, or just want somewhere to take the kids and the dog and have a tea and scone, you might well be prepared to put up with it all.

In times like ours, feeble minded followers of trends rise to the top.

Scrobs. said...

With nutters like this bloke, there's no better reason than to stay away from this over-indulged quango!

Stupid man.

A K Haart said...

Sam - we gave up membership for the same reason, plus the priggish atmosphere it has managed to cast over its properties. Yes, feeble minded followers of trends do rise to the top. It's rather like glider pilots spotting thermals, some people just seem to see what it takes to rise.

dearieme said...

We are members of the National Trust for Scotland, a quite separate organisation, but for the last few decades have visited mainly National Trust properties. So naturally we considered leaving some money to the NT. But now it's a case of NBL. In fact there's almost no national charity to which I'd leave money - even the Lifeboats are infected. The last possibility is the Salvation Army though I've even been warned off them.

Maybe antiwokeists should form a campaigning charity designed to encourage donations from people like us. The trouble with that idea is that within a couple of generations it would be under the control of dirty, rotten scoundrels too.

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - I agree. We stay away and don't miss it.

dearieme - there is no national charity to which we'd leave money either. Only a few local charities seem to be worthwhile.