
Thursday 20 July 2023

Many reputable bodies

Venezuela is suffering one of the worst modern global economic and humanitarian crises. Extreme poverty, hunger, hyperinflation, unemployment, violence and low incomes have driven at least 7 million people away from the country over the past decade, according to data from the United Nations Agency for Refugees (UNHCR).

Fortunately -

Now, as reported by El Pais, Venezuela is slowly rising from the ashes. With inflation no longer as high, the increase in the value of the Venezuelan Bolivar has created some breathing room. This is in part owing to oil production boosting the economy after the lifting of sanctions. Moreover, natural gas exports to Europe have been negotiated to add an extra source of income for this regrowing economy.

Unfortunately -

The world must immediately halt new oil and gas development and transition rapidly to renewable energy to stop climate change, conclude many reputable bodies, including Nature, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the UK House of Commons.


Sam Vega said...

That must be bitter-sweet news for Comrade Corbyn. He used to be a big fan of the place.

A K Haart said...

Sam - good old Comrade Corbyn, always manages to offer his support to particularly nasty regimes. A benchmark for abject voter stupidity.

Tammly said...

Reputable bodies!!!!?????

A K Haart said...

Tammly - yes, even calling them disreputable would be far too lenient.