Bin the plastic grass! A quarter of Britons now want fake lawns banned
Almost a quarter of Britons would be happy to support a full ban on the sale of fake plastic lawns.
Having a fake lawn fitted can seem appealing to weary homeowners - it means no pushing the lawnmower around and a consistent appearance.
If people don't try it we won't find out if it's worthwhile. Banning it is just as pointlessly intrusive as banning usually is. There are problems with it though.
A few years ago on the daily walk to Granddaughter's school, one of the houses we passed had a plastic lawn installed. Only a small front lawn so it was a quick job.
The morning after the plastic lawn was installed we noticed what looked like a neat pile of cat poo in the centre. This was cleaned off but a day or two later another little pile appeared in what seemed to be the exact centre of the lawn. A cat with an interest in geometry perhaps.
The battle between cat and lawn owner continued until eventually one of those electronic cat scarers appeared at the edge of the lawn. Didn't seem to make any difference though. I'm not sure how the contest ended.
The morning after the plastic lawn was installed we noticed what looked like a neat pile of cat poo in the centre. This was cleaned off but a day or two later another little pile appeared in what seemed to be the exact centre of the lawn. A cat with an interest in geometry perhaps.
The battle between cat and lawn owner continued until eventually one of those electronic cat scarers appeared at the edge of the lawn. Didn't seem to make any difference though. I'm not sure how the contest ended.
"Banning" is the resort of the petty-minded and stupid. Wokesters love the idea of banning.
Ban “banning” now, I say!
dearieme - it seems to be the sound too - "ban it". Easy to sound forceful.
James - that would tip quite a few over the edge.
'Fake lawns' have improved in quality no end in recent years, BUT, they still need maintenance as they gather detritus as a normal lawn does and while no mowing is required you still need to hoover the things.
Oh and install a no smoking sign>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Wiggia - I imagine people have to be careful when they barbecue on the lawn too, as we sometimes do when the grandkids are here.
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