Climate change: How dirty is the air in your area? Find out how much carbon dioxide is emitted where you live
ONS interactive maps show how CO2 emissions have changed over time and how much of your area is covered by woodland.
We breathe out a vastly higher concentration of CO2 than is found in the atmosphere. It is essential for plant growth. It is essential for life on Earth. How can it possibly be dirty?
We really do need gibbering stupidity to become markedly less fashionable if we are to survive.
Saw that Mare Khan is 'on the case', so nothing will be done about the four cars which escort the insignificant little man to his people's palace each day.
"We breathe out a vastly higher concentration of CO2 than is found in the atmosphere."
Maybe that's why the Government is so keen on masks. Viruses, CO2, and politically incorrect speech. Keeps 'em all in. It's a government multi-tool.
Scrobs - it has become very obvious that net zero is for us, not them.
Sam - yet they must surely play havoc with facial recognition.
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