
Thursday 7 October 2021

Travel Light

We are whizzing off for an overnight hotel stay this weekend. Packing begins tomorrow, although Mrs H seems to have started already.

Years ago when I used to attend distant work meetings, an overnight hotel jaunt meant little more than packing underwear, toothbrush and razor. Now we seem to be putting in a fair amount of effort to keep the packing down to three holdalls for two of us.

Something has changed.


Scrobs. said...

When I used to go to business breakfasts in London, it meant leaving home at 5.00 am, so I would be up by 4.00am...

The packing/dressing list was pinned to the desk in my office at home, and I had to stare at it constantly, as once, I left my jacket behind for a similar visit...

Have a good break anyway!

DiscoveredJoys said...

We've got packing down to just two holdalls now for a week's visit after a birthday bash holiday to the Isles of Scilly, travelling by helicopter... but holidays elsewhere in the UK involve a separate box for the laptop and its charger, the toothbrushes and their chargers, the cellphones and their chargers, the Android pads and their chargers, the camera and its charger. There's a theme there.

wiggiatlarge said...

A K it's called packing for all emergencies, I have been suffering it for years, what we used to go round the world with is no longer sufficient for a long weekend on the coast fifty miles away, those fatal last words before leaving 'Oh I have just put x in the bag/s in case you need it'

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - we have a holiday list on the computer now - there is so much to forget.

DJ - yes, gadgets and chargers are a pain. It's a pity charging isn't completely standard so we could rely on holiday destinations having charging facilities we could use.

Wiggia - all emergencies and even all eventualities however unlikely.

dearieme said...

Can't you just charge all the other gadgets from a USB port on the laptop? If not why doesn't someone sell a gubbins for it?

A K Haart said...

Dearieme - we do something similar to that with our electric toothbrushes. I can see it coming together over the next few years.