
Friday 1 October 2021

In the bleak midwinter

Energy crisis: Fuel poverty warning as price cap goes up at time of 'chaos' for economy

Labour is warning of a "winter of discontent" ahead as rising bills combine with disruption in the economy to leave the government facing claims it is presiding over a period of preventable chaos.

For once Labour is right. Winter is coming while Boris preaches to the world about zero carbon targets, saving the planet and other matters he does not appear to understand.

From a political perspective it is not easy to see how Boris is to avoid being exposed as someone who does not understand what he is talking about. I apologise in advance for the horrible image, but that would be an emperor's new clothes level of exposure. Very stark indeed.

On the other hand, we could even see some welcome exposure of the entire climate change narrative. Could be an interestingly bleak midwinter.  


Mark Wadsworth said...

Having looked into this 'greenhouse effect', I come to the inescapable conclusion that the surface of planets with a lot of clouds (Venus and Earth) warm from the clouds down.

The infamous Kiehl & Trenbert diagram shows that 'greenhouse gases' reflect approx as much radiation back down as the surface receives from the Sun - superficially plausible to the layman - if you apply this logic to Venus, the GHG would be reflecting ONE THOUSAND times as much radiation back down as the surface receives from the Sun, so clearly nonsense.

But don't just take my word for it, here's a good article on the subject. And what goes for Venus must go for Earth, the laws of physics are the same everywhere.

Sam Vega said...

There is a small chance that Boris is merely ramping up the anxiety over climate change so that the country will be more amenable to a big programme of building nuclear power stations. ("Yes, folks, it's now clean, green, Greta will love it, that expensive new electric car you bought won't be a complete waste of money, and - some of you might remember this phrase from the sixties! - too cheap to meter.")

But even if they are built by the Chinese (and they would probably have to be!) there wouldn't be enough capacity for decades to come. So it's more likely, as usual, that Boris is just making glib stupid noises that sound emotionally satisfying. It keeps him in office today, and he will be gone by the time he is rumbled.

Graeme said...

It's institutionalised Groupthink. I believe it was Milliband who passed the act dooming us to zero heat by 2020. Under Cameron, the libdem Davey banned fracking. Is there a record of how many second homes in tropical countries were bought by senior politicians around that time?

A K Haart said...

Mark - it is a good article. I like the way it points out how little radiation actually reaches the surface of Venus.

Sam - unfortunately I think you are right - Boris is just making glib stupid noises that sound emotionally satisfying.

Graeme - it's an interesting point - how many people making these decisions could easily move to somewhere warmer?

Penseivat said...

"... unfortunately I think you are right - Boris is just making glib stupid noises that sound emotionally satisfying."
It is possible that Boris may not believe in what he is saying, just as it is possible he is saying what Carrie is telling him to say. My goodness, she must be bloody good in bed!

A K Haart said...

Penseivat - maybe that's why Boris always looks knackered.