
Saturday 23 October 2021


Throughout the coronavirus debacle, face masks were an embarrassing nuisance. There was no attempt to apply any kind of standard for porosity, material, nose piece, fastenings or instructions. 

In other words, any leaky old bit of cloth would do as long as it looked like a mask. Ours were home made bits of cloth and elastic with no quality control whatever. But they were good enough because appearance was all. So what were masks all about, other than some kind of compliance badge?

To my mind, masks were both a compliance badge part of an engineered availability cascade

An availability cascade is a self-reinforcing cycle that explains the development of certain kinds of collective beliefs. A novel idea or insight, usually one that seems to explain a complex process in a simple or straightforward manner, gains rapid currency in the popular discourse by its very simplicity and by its apparent insightfulness. Its rising popularity triggers a chain reaction within the social network: individuals adopt the new insight because other people within the network have adopted it, and on its face it seems plausible.

The intention was to make masks into the most visible part of official policy. They were used to ensure that the whole coronavirus issue revolved around centrally planned pandemic mitigation. Nothing else. Masks were a central planner’s tactic.

Here in the UK, COP26 is apparently being used as an availability cascade for Net Zero. The absurdly heavy media coverage of COP26 certainly requires some explanation as the event itself is both uninteresting and most unlikely to advance beyond futile.

 COP26 coverage in the UK feels like a highly artificial availability cascade. As if the intention here is to ensure that Net Zero discussions only revolve around the “we must do something” position, ensuring it is by far the most widely familiar public position. In other words, the only available position for most people. Another central planner’s tactic.

 To my mind, there is no doubt whatever that this Boris Johnson government is a central planner’s dream. A totalitarian government where all we really vote for is the face on the TV screen.


Sam Vega said...

"We must do something"

My guess is that we will make a futile gesture, and then later the scientific consensus will be that we never needed Net Zero; but that plucky little Britain showed the rest of the world the way forward; and isn't it nicer with fewer cars on the roads, and not having any of those nasty manufacturing jobs now China has helpfully taken them.

wiggiatlarge said...

The Behavioral Insights team, or nudge unit is doing very well as can be seen from its web site, from seven people in an office to a world wide Goebbels type organisation that is now being called upon to influence almost everything, yet what does the general public know of this outfit, absolutely nothing and that is beyond worrying.

Nudging a whole nation over a cliff on the whims of a few eco loons is not even vaguely funny anymore.

Scrobs. said...

Even Saint Greta thinks that nothing will come out of this bash. Wiki quotes it down the bottom somewhere.

The whole issue is virtue-signalling on our taxes.

A K Haart said...

Sam - I'm sure that's a likely scenario. Pull back eventually, but not before an enormous amount of damage has been done to ordinary people and their future. Then pile on the propaganda to make people grateful for the damage.

Wiggia - yes it's quite easy to detect the input of outfits such as the Behavioral Insights Team. Unfortunately the approach seems to work.

Scrobs - yes it's odd. Nobody thinks it will produce anything but they go through it anyway and the media pretend that we are on the edge of catastrophe while knowing that we are not.