
Saturday, 1 February 2025

It's apparently beyond us

Nicholas Boys Smith has an interesting Critic piece on the restoration of the Palace of Westminster, interesting because it highlight how poor we are at major public projects.

A sense of palace

It’s apparently beyond us to fix one of the world’s greatest buildings

The creation of the modern Palace of Westminster after the medieval palace’s destruction by fire is a Victorian epic; a three-part novel of Dickensian satire, Trollopian industry and Disraelian hutzpah. It is one whose final success we are unable to match today despite greater wealth and technological resources due to failings of ambition and ability to execute.

It's a subject about which I know very little, but the whole piece is well worth reading as it fits so well with a whole raft of current failings.

Besides this history of purpose and beauty, ambition and delivery, the saga of modern Britain’s inability to restore the Palace of Westminster is frankly pathetic. It is the quintessential exemplar of “Broken Britain”, of a state no longer able to conceive sensibly ambitious plans or execute them effectively, of a state so focused on posturing and process that it has forgotten about common sense and outcomes.

Giving the game away

My apologies to DiscoveredJoys, I intended to post a comment of his on the Weeds post a few days ago, with his list of new public bodies. It relates to Keir Starmer's promise to “clear out the regulatory weeds.” In case anyone missed it, the list tells a story, so here's the comment -

Arch Bureaucrat declares bureaucracy a problem. Do new public bodies give the game away?

Great British Energy
National Energy Systems Operator
National Wealth Fund
Industrial Strategy Council
National Infrastructure and Service Transformation Authority
Great British Railways (yet to be created)
Passenger Standards Authority (Announced)
Skills England
Regulatory Innovation Office
National Data Library (Announced)
National Care Service (Announced)
Fair Work Agency (Being legislated)
School Support Staff Negotiating Body (Being legislated)
Armed Forces Commissioner (Being legislated)
Border Security Command
National Centre of Policing
Ethics and Integrity Commission (Announced)
Independent Football Regulator (Being legislated)

I put it to you, m'lud, that clearing regulatory reeds doesn't extend to clearing centralising regulatory powers (and jobs for the fellow travellers).