
Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Presumably his password wasn't "toolmaker"

Keir Starmer forced to abandon his personal email account after Putin's hackers compromise PM

Sir Keir Starmer was forced to shut down his personal email account after a suspected Russian hack.

A new book called Get In recounting Starmer’s rise to power and his early days at Downing Street revealed that in 2022, Starmer was warned that his email may have been compromised by Russian hackers.

His head of office, Jill Cuthbertson, circulated a notice instructing staff not to email Starmer under any circumstances.

I wonder what his password was? Not "toolmaker" I hope, or "turbocharged". I suppose "growth" would be too short.


dearieme said...

DiscoveredJoys said...

Maybe "sonofblair" or "EU4eva"? Maybe not.

James Higham said...


Sam Vega said...

That wasn't unauthorised Russian activity - it was a memo from the Politburo.

Tammly said...

They heard him say "release the sausages" and hacked his e-mail to learn of further coded messages.

Sobers said...

It was probably 'IveGotAMassiveTaxFreePensionFund'

The Jannie said...

Where would the power-hungry be if they didn't have the Russians to blame every time things went tits up? If they couldn't find another patsy the bought media might start using expressions like "endemic ineptitude" or "another Starmer cockup".

A K Haart said...

dearieme - ha ha, very good.

DJ - or "EUknowitmakessense"

James - could be, but in Russian because he thought that couldn't be hacked.

Sam - that explains everything.

Tammly - sounds like code doesn't it?

Sobers - but after the hacking it's lessons learned and he's altered it to 'IveStillGotAMassiveTaxFreePensionFund'

Jannie - yes, it's the modern version of blaming misfortunes on witches.

Bucko said...


A K Haart said...

Bucko - ha ha, bound to be now.