
Friday, 14 February 2025

Labour Grey

Parts of UK endured ZERO sun for past 7 days - greyest week in YEARS

Britain can rise and shine this morning as the gloomiest February week in half a century comes to an end.

Parts of the country have endured zero minutes of sunshine for seven consecutive days for the first time since 1979...

Using data from the Met Office's observation site at Heathrow Airport, the national weather forecaster confirmed to MailOnline that yesterday was the seventh consecutive day when zero sunshine was recorded in London.

We haven't been recording it, but grey sky has been the norm here in Derbyshire for some time. Maybe Ed's relentless push for more and more solar power has already made a difference to the climate.  

Even Nemesis has a sense of humour.


dearieme said...

My beloved likes to say that February is longer than June.

The Jannie said...

"Ed's relentless push for more and more solar power has already made a difference to the climate."
That's it! Follow the science! All those damned windmills are chopping up the atmosphere into little bits and the solar panels are sucking the sunshine out of it!

Sobers said...

Notwithstanding some impressively powerful named storms this winter (when ironically wind turbines have to be feathered to prevent damage and thus cannot generate power) its my feeling that this winter has also had a more than normal number of periods where the wind has been very low, or pretty much zero, which is unusual. My log burner has a problem of smoking back into the room if I turn the draft down too much (when I'm going out for example), and its dead calm outside, no air movement. I've come back to a smoke filled house 3 or 4 times this winter and I can't remember having had that problem more than maybe once a winter previously.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - your beloved is right, we've been plodding through it for at least three weeks already.

Jannie - blimey that's a scary thought, chopped up atmosphere. Will they chop up storms and make them less scary? No, lumps of storm could go anywhere.

Sobers - we've not had that problem with the log burner, if anything it burns quite a bit better than usual this year, but we only use it from late afternoon and I'm always around keeping an eye on it. We've had lots of still, cold evenings or cold with a very slight breath of breeze, both of which seem to make the log burner draw well.

Sam Vega said...

When the atmosphere completely clears up and it's cloudless and sunny most days, we won't need to burn gas to generate electricity at all. Apart from during the night, of course, but we can go to bed in woolly vests then.

A K Haart said...

Sam - that's an interesting point, because as you say, as the climate warms up we'll use less and less gas and electricity. It was rather chilly when we nipped out early this morning though - must be weather rather than climate.

Anonymous said...

The grey weather sets off the skin tones of our dear PM, Sir Pink Blancmange.

A K Haart said...

Anon - Sir Pink Blancmange is probably an indoors person, which includes sitting around in planes of course.