
Monday, 3 February 2025

The 5 Commonest Mistakes People Make When Cleaning The Bath

The post title is of course a spoof clickbait headline, but it's a rum business when a spoof headline such as this can be more plausible than the genuine headline below.

Or is it genuine? Do we live in Clickbait World?

Heathrow third runway would 'spike global warming emissions by 30% from airport even with eco-fuel for planes'

A third runway would increase global warming emissions from Heathrow by around 30 per cent, according to a new analysis.

Rachel Reeves has argued that developments in sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) mean that the Government can back airport expansion while still meeting its net zero legally binding commitments.

1 comment:

Tammly said...

So now they are making up stories to fool each other?