
Friday 5 August 2022

Not So Great Expectations

Taiwan news: China steps up military drills and ends climate change talks in anger over Pelosi visit; 10 warships used in exercises near island

Taiwan latest as China announces it will sanction US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on her visit to the island, which says it is in a state of "combat readiness".

It's a sign of our times that the same headline includes both China stepping up military drills and China ending climate talks as if the two are somehow comparable. As if there is some kind of genuine expectation that China intends to climb on the climate bandwagon. 


dearieme said...

People who like a Chinese Climate Change Policy will find they need another one a couple of hours later.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - ha ha and I bet the Chinese have a huge menu of them.

Ed P said...

It's only 6 months ago that Russia held 'military exercises' on Ukraine's border. That turned out well, didn't it?
Now China are holding 'military exercises' all around Taiwan's coast. What could possibly go wrong?

A K Haart said...

Ed - and of course for China it could divert attention from internal problems.