
Wednesday 27 April 2022

Fat Lips

Mother, 29, says she was left with 'lips like a baboon's bum' after an allergic reaction to routine filler top-up caused severe swelling that 'closed her airways' and made it difficult to breathe

One of those stories about the things people do to themselves and how it can go wrong. No doubt another such story will be along shortly - the media need them.

Yet this one reminded me of those tragic cases where something bad happens to a young teenage girl or she runs off with someone she shouldn't. To go with the story, we are often presented with another of those strange, doll-like images of the young victim. Unattractive pouty lips and plastic complexion of such unlikely perfection that she seems more artificial than the latest humanoid robot.

It's the familiar power of fashion of course - virtually none of us is immune. Yet to my old eye there is something more than merely creepy about pouty lips on a girl barely in her teens.


Tammly said...

My friend Mark and I when we are on a group outing,compete to see who spots the most ridiculous 'trout pouts'.

A K Haart said...

Tammly - there ought to be an i-SPY book for that.

dearieme said...

Horrid, isn't it? And desperately sad.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - yes it's both. It suggests life is desperately misleading.