
Saturday 16 April 2022

Cayuga Ducks


Saw three Cayuga ducks on the river Wye at Bakewell yesterday. Escaped from somewhere I imagine. As it says in the link, they were quite placid - unlike hyperactive Mallards.


dearieme said...

We visited a duck pond in Norfolk that boasted Whistling Ducks. We ate our sandwiches and waited - and, by Lord, they do!

Scrobs. said...

We used to have several wild ducks on our village pond, until a gang of illegals pinched and ate the lot!

Nice pic BTW!

Sam Vega said...

So that's where they'd got to!

James Higham said...

Is all this true, or is it just someone's canard?

A K Haart said...

dearieme - I've never seen one of those, had to look it up on YT.

Scrobs - if only they had been deported to Rwanda you'd still have the ducks.

Sam - it's too late to get them back, I think Bakewell has adopted them.

James - all true - nothing quackers about it at all.