
Thursday 20 January 2022

Underlying Cause



Sam Vega said...

Nothing from the BBC at all, nothing in the Daily Mail. (I can't bring myself to check the Guardian...). And Google are still going strong with their vaccination and masks warnings.

As ever, I'm not sure why they haven't touched it, as it's on several blogs and forums. There might be a pervasive and immaculately-planned conspiracy. Or it might be that they simply realise that they will look utterly bloody stupid if they do a rapid about-turn, and hope that the news will blow over until the war kicks off in Ukraine or Boris resigns.

dearieme said...

Give me some context. In an ordinary flu season how many deaths of old people are recorded as due solely to flu? I'd guess that at least pneumonia must get a lot of mentions too.

Scrobs. said...

The latest issue is 'no need for masks' as a step in the right direction, but far too manypeople, mainly in the public sector, are already whinging about 'risk'.

And yes, Dearie, pneumonia is the nasty one from 'flu, and seemingly very difficult to cure in the elderly.

DiscoveredJoys said...

There's always been an issue of the numbers of people dying 'with COVID' or 'from COVID'. It now appears you can slice and dice the data into a group of 'only COVID'.

Perhaps for the sake of clarity we should also have had daily reports of 'other than COVID', although the longer period data is available on a less frequent basis.

The question is whether the current usage of specific daily data is merely a consequence of methodology used to track the pandemic (cock-up theory) or whether it is a choice to convince the general public of the dangers (conspiracy theory).

Sackerson said...

Good find.

A K Haart said...

Sam - they seem to dislike narrative changes as if they think most of their readers want connected stories and nothing else. Or maybe they think people are losing interest anyway.

dearieme - the context of Ferguson's model and other advice given to government would be interesting. The numbers seem interestingly low, but I still prefer to stick with deaths from all causes to screen out the uncertainties of death certificates.

Scrobs - it is a step in the right direction. Making kids wear masks in school was absurd.

DJ - to my mind there has always been something suspicious about dying 'with COVID'. It may be okay to collect the data, but using it to track the pandemic in public presentations feels dubious at best.

Sackers - too good to last perhaps.