
Saturday 15 January 2022

Maybe Boris upsets the right people

Sir Keir Starmer says booting out Boris Johnson over partygate scandal 'in national interest'

The opposition politician's scathing criticism comes after reports Downing Street staff held "wine-time Fridays" throughout the coronavirus pandemic, with alcohol fetched from a nearby Tesco Metro in a wheelie suitcase and kept in a specially bought £142 fridge.

It's an odd experience, but Boris Johnson's political difficulties suggest to this observer that the usual suspects do not find him adequately amenable towards their games in spite of appearances. The usual suspects are so creepy and dishonest that it is not at all difficult to assume the after hours Downing street 'parties' were more to do with fostering camaraderie, than anything else. Unwise at worst.

It's not a comfortable assessment, but when we take a gander at those making such a fuss and take another gander at Sir Keir's freak show and a final gander at the priggish, politically correct, barely sane establishment we are saddled with. Well - I'm inclined to side with Boris.


Scrobs. said...

Labour are adept at bayonetting the wounded, until a few examples of their own stupidity surface, and then the Sunday rags have a field day!

It's all a plot to sell more dead tree press!

All normal citizens want to go down the pub on Friday after work, it's a tradition!

Sam Vega said...

Starmer just wants the job of PM, and the footnote in history for being the Labour leader who ended the run of desperate failure. But everything about the man is so contrived and wooden that it's difficult to believe he has any feelings of his own.

This is back to the issue of Boris being the least bad option. I can't think of anyone who would do a better job, anyway, more's the pity. Getting Brexit done probably needed a duplicitous lying public school chancer to see off the traitors in our system. And having illicit parties is what such types do, I guess.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Both Trump and Boris (and Nigel for that matter) appear to have the common touch and be on our side against people who treat politics as a metaphorical blood sport, more important than real life.

Now part of this common touch is smoke and mirrors... but the alternatives put the Establishment in control, and the Establishment looks after itself first. Hence the confected outrage and the desperate search for anything, anything, to knock the upstarts back.

dearieme said...

Maybe the Quislings think that if they get Boris sacked we will rejoin the Brussels Reich.

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - that's a good point, all normal citizens do want to relax on Friday after work. In other words it's a normal thing to do.

Sam - yes, well put. Maybe a duplicitous lying public school chancer is exactly the chap we need to see off the traitors.

DJ - indeed, the alternatives certainly do put the Establishment in control and voting against that as far as we can may be all we can do.

dearieme - I'm sure they do think that, Starmer in particular.

Mike J. said...

I was not here in May 2020 , I was enjoying a more relaxed Mediterranean style lockdown on Cyprus whilst er fixing my house up over there .However I do remember newspapers showing photos of thousands of people on various beached on the ‘ hottest day of the year ‘ . I know several friends in the U.K. were enjoying illicit parties in their gardens as well . So lots and lots of kettles calling pots oh is one allowed to use that expression in England today !!
The glee with which the BBC has treated the whole affair as have all kinds of establishment figures mean I’m on Boris’s side . If he gave up tax rises and Net Zero he would soon be being carried shoulder high by supporters once again .

A K Haart said...

Mike - yes that's all he has to do, especially Net Zero. Maybe cancel HS2 as well.