
Tuesday 22 October 2024

What inspectors found

What inspectors found when they checked more than 50 Lancashire funeral homes

More than 50 Lancashire funeral homes have so far been inspected after the government recommended local councils check up on the undertakers operating in their area. The Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) can reveal no concerns have been raised following the visits so far carried out across the county.

However, the majority of Lancashire’s local authorities are yet to complete – or even begin – the inspections, while two have said they have no plans to do them at all. The Ministry of Justice wrote to all councils with environmental health responsibilities in April and strongly suggested they assess the funeral parlours in their patch in order to ensure they were caring for the deceased properly.

Inspectors of local democracy? What's the The Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) and who are these inspectors? 

Some may know this already, but here we are for chaps like me who didn't know -

The Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) is an initiative in the United Kingdom funded by the BBC. The scheme pays for the employment of journalists by local independent news outlets, in order to improve the coverage of issues relating to local democracy. Its core purpose is stated as being "to provide impartial coverage of the regular business and workings of local authorities in the UK, and other relevant democratic institutions such as mayoralties, combined authority areas, PCCs, quangos, etc."


The Jannie said...

"funded by the BBC. The scheme pays for the employment of journalists by local independent news outlets"
Funded by the victims of the BBC tax, that is. You think you couldn't make this up then find out someone already has . . .

dearieme said...

"The scheme pays for the employment of journalists": oh no it doesn't.
The licence-payers pay for an underhand political initiative, more like.

James Higham said...

“ "to provide impartial coverage”

Had to re-read that … the BBC?

Bucko said...

Funded by the BBC? I didn't see that coming