
Thursday, 24 October 2024

Good news at last

Chance of limiting global warming to 1.5C is 'virtually zero' on current trends, UN warns

"Climate crunch time is here," one UN environment chief warned, as years of inaction threaten to catch up with countries across the world.

The analysis finds that the current trajectory in carbon emissions puts the world on course for a potentially catastrophic 3.1C of warming this century - compared to pre-industrial times.

In future this could reduce UK domestic fuel bills and help people on low incomes get through winters more comfortably in spite of government efforts.

Assuming the UN environment chief isn't talking cobblers of course - a big assumption that one. 


dearieme said...

"Climate crunch time is here": what, again?

Sam Vega said...

As Jeremy Clarkson said, global warming at predicted rates would mean that the UK would become more... France.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - I'm afraid so, but only a few more crunches before the end of the year, possibly less than a dozen.

Sam - I'm looking forward to it. If only I could convince myself that they are honest.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Fifty years ago the 'coming ice age' was all the rage. Strange how quickly fashions reverse. Meanwhile the fashionistas have to make a living...

Bucko said...

I came here to say what dearieme said. There does seem to be a lot of them.
And I read that article. It seems that after us being told that weather isn't climate for years on end, weather actually now is climate. But only bad weather. Or good weather. Depending on what we have

A K Haart said...

DJ - and if we go back to the 'coming ice age' it will still be our fault.

Bucko - it's repeated so often that there can't be anyone but the usual nutters paying attention. Maybe something else is destined to take its place, something worse.