
Sunday 20 October 2024

What could possibly go wrong?

DWP to take money directly from bank accounts in benefit fraud crackdown

The state will be granted powers to take money directly out of bank accounts and wage slips as part of a crackdown on benefit fraud.

Private companies such as airlines will also be compelled to hand over information to investigators, under plans being drawn up by ministers for the biggest overhaul to the department’s powers in 20 years.

Liz Kendall, the Work and Pensions Secretary, said it was “absurd” that her department’s powers had become so outdated, with inspectors struggling to “keep pace” with complex methods employed by fraudsters.

I know, I know - the post title is hardly worth saying. Starmer's rabble seem intent on making a series of moves which are bound to generate stories of heart-rending disaster. Media feeding frenzy after media feeding frenzy.

I'm looking forward to it, should be like throwing armfuls of sliced bread at seagulls. 


DiscoveredJoys said...

My fear, no - prediction, is that the minions will be swift to gouge savings or income because they will have targets to hit. They will be far slower, and possibly deliberately so, to refund the money if the accusation of fraud can be refuted.

Meanwhile the fraudsters will operate more and more in the black economy well away from the reach of the vindictive state.

As is usual nowadays laws to penalise criminals will only penalise the innocent.

A K Haart said...

DJ - I agree, swift to gouge but slow to recognise error seems inevitable.

Sam Vega said...

Yes, DJ is right. Minor fiddles like mothers claiming they are not cohabiting, or old geezers whose back injury isn't as bad as claimed, will be persecuted. Serious fraudsters- mainly foreigners in organised groups with many thousands involved - will have transferred the loot through the Turkish barbers.

And, of course, do we trust the government to get the amounts right? Let me guess, are we losing £22 billion?

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes, soft targets first, major league frauds referred upwards, sideways, anywhere but here.