
Monday 14 October 2024

Setting up the structures

Ex-Google boss warns Starmer UK will fail to meet 2030 clean energy goal without fixing regulation

Eric Schmidt, Google's former chief executive officer, said he believes Sir Keir can speed up regulation bureaucracy to ensure the government reaches its goal of decarbonising electricity by 2030.

But he said regulation is currently "killing you"...

Sir Keir agreed the speed at which decisions get signed off "is a really big challenge".

He said: "It has to be a cross-government priority, not just within the Treasury team. It's going to be across government.

"So we are setting up some of the structures that will do this.

Ah, when confronted with the need to reduce regulation, the Starmer approach is to be busy "setting up some of the structures that will do this." I'm not a betting chap, but I reckon the odds are that this notion will lead to more regulation not less.

Fortunately and whatever a "goal of decarbonising electricity by 2030" is supposed to be, Starmer's approach seems likely to slow it down.



Sam Vega said...

Starmer's problem is that getting rid of regulations means that companies will be ready to invest in green energy.

Unfortunately, none of them show any signs of wanting to do that, and they do tend to know a thing or two about making money. The incentives are pretty limited.

So in order to get them doing that, he'ļl have to have a whole new raft of regulations compelling people to do what they don't want to do, or preventing them from doing the alternatives that they are already invested in.

It's a tough job, Keir, but we reckon you're the man for it, mate!

dearieme said...

Was this a line from Yes Minister? Did Sir Humphrey say "We are doing everything we can, Minister. We've set up three committees."

A K Haart said...

Sam - it is a tough job, but as you say, he's the man for it. He'll have all kinds of scams to police, such as a market for fake solar panels used to fool the Solar Panel Audit Agency when they go round counting them.

dearieme - it's so close to Yes Minister that Starmer possibly thinks it was a documentary. Actually - I think it was a documentary.

dearieme said...

Who does this remind you of? Benny Hill? Baldrick? Mr Bean?

A K Haart said...

dearieme - pretty close to Benny Hill's Fred Scuttle I'd say. He must be a fan although he'll never admit it.