
Sunday 6 October 2024

Sunday afternoon

It's a grey Sunday afternoon in our bit of Derbyshire, but we've had a good day. Nipped out for coffee and a spot of shopping then later I picked some apples from our old tree and stewed them up for freezing. Not a good apple year this year but we'll end up with a few batches in the freezer.

Time for a quick check on how Sir Keir and co. are doing. Presumably they didn't expect to be quite this incompetent and I'm sure Sir Keir didn't, but there we are, life is full of surprises. 

Sue Gray quits as Starmer resets his top team in bid to regain control over chaos

Nearly 1000 migrants cross Channel in record day

Labour suffers a dozen by-election defeats in less than a month amid donations row

Doubts grow over Labour’s VAT plan for private schools


Woodsy42 said...

Mixed year for apples here. 2 out of 3 of the young trees actually produced a few apples. One older dwarf tree was loaded but two others produced nothing at all. Most are now cooked and frozen. Quite a few damsons though and a small redcurrant bush, only a couple of years old, had an unbelievable crop. Grapes have failed to ripen.

Sam Vega said...

How many wheels did this thing have at the start? So many have come off that I'm having trouble picturing what it looked like.

DiscoveredJoys said...

@Sam Vega
It was caterpillar track run around many wheels - it was a Miliband.

But the real question is why did Sue Gray resign? Did she jump from a sinking ship or was she pushed as a loser from the internal Party battles? More importantly - what does this mean for the ordinary voter?

dearieme said...

Here's a picture of Two-Tier's Brains Trust.

dearieme said...

Our eaters are in, none of our cookers are, we ate/froze/jammed the damsons some time ago. Today's lunch finished our toms. We lost almost all our cherries. Our strawbs were particularly good this year. Our globe artichokes failed this year and our tattie crop was dismal: lack of watering?

In winter we'll dig up some Jerusalem artichokes which make a fine soup 50:50 with potatoes. Herself has treated herself to a wee fig tree. We'll see how that goes.