
Wednesday 16 October 2024

Deep claim

Maduro announces he will make a "deep claim" for Spain to "pay" reparations for the conquest

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said his country would be seeking reparations from Spain for what happened during the colonialism years. In the Chavista leader's view, the European kingdom has never “asked for forgiveness” and instead took shelter “in the ideology of negationism.”

Whatever the phrase Spanish diplomats use for "sod off", I think Spain's Minister of Foreign Affairs is likely to make use of it.

However, Maduro might achieve more by approaching David Lammy instead. Tell Lammy that Britain colonised Venezuela during the reign of Henry IX and he may go for it. Worth a try.


Sam Vega said...

Lammy also thinks someone needs to sort out the radiation poisoning suffered by Marie Antoinette.

A K Haart said...

Sam - he probably suspects her sister Marie Celeste.

dearieme said...

And her sister Marie Harpsichord.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - I had to look her up.

Bucko said...

And so it begins. When are we going to get some cash of those bloody Italians? And don't tell me the Romans made the country better with roads and aqueducts and stuff...

A K Haart said...

Bucko - and everything they built has fallen to pieces already.