
Monday 21 October 2024

A very old strategy

'This is not your land': Senator Lidia Thorpe shouts at King in Australian parliament

The King stopped short of the apology indigenous leaders had hoped for, but said he had "witnessed the courage and hope that have guided the nation's long and sometimes difficult journey towards reconciliation".

Lidia Thorpe, wearing traditional clothing, strode up the aisle yelling: "Give us our land back. Give us what you stole from us! Our bones, our skulls, our babies, our people.

"You destroyed our land. Give us a treaty!"

Apart from "give us something to go away", it isn't easy to see what this word salad means. It's a very old strategy though, we do know that much.

It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation, 
 To puff and look important and to say:– 
"Though we know we should defeat you, 
              we have not the time to meet you. 
 We will therefore pay you cash to go away." 

 And that is called paying the Dane-geld; 
 But we've proved it again and again, 
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld 
 You never get rid of the Dane.

Rudyard Kipling - Dane-geld


dearieme said...

The plight of the Abos is an unpleasant thing to witness. All sorts of attempts have been made to relieve their woes over more than a century. Nothing much works (as far as I can tell). Or if anything did work it would now be forbidden anyway because of political correctness.

Screaming harridan politicians have come along to exploit them, so someone is doing well out of it.

Anonymous said...

Lidia Thorpe is a former Green senator now an independent idiot. If she were wearing "traditional clothing" she should have been naked. I have never heard of any of these aboriginals claiming to have been robed of their traditions discarding theior clothes and going bush to live by the traditions of their ancestors. She is probably well over 50% European ancestry anyway.

Tom in Oz

DiscoveredJoys said...

It's not your identity invoking victimhood, it's your victimhood using identity as a cover.

Anonymous said...

"This is not your land". It's not hers, either. For decades, and possibly even longer, Aboriginal leaders have stated that "The land does not belong to us. We belong to the land".
This woman is a politically motivated numpty. Please keep her in Australia.

Sam Vega said...

Memo to Charles: Always carry a bone in your inside pocket. When this sort of thing happens, whip it out and take the wind out of their sails. For African and American visits, ensure that one of your entourage is a naked black actor pretending to be your slave. Any trouble, snap the secret plastic link in his chain, set him free, and the crowds will go wild.

decnine said...

I don't have all that high an opinion of KC3, but the Senator surely knows that the speech will have been written/censored by the OzPM. KC3's job was merely to read it aloud.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - from a great distance that's my impression too. Whatever a solution might look like, it isn't likely to be delivered by screaming harridan politicians.

Tom - being a former Green senator fits the arm-waving, look at me, I'm the only virtuous one here attitude too. That's the unpleasant aspect - it's about her.

DJ - yes, victimhood has become a route to political nuisance which seems to be enough for some.

Penseivat - yes, we certainly don't want her over here.

Sam - the bone would have to be recognisable as a bone from a distance, like the cartoon bones in Tom and Jerry. A skull would make a bulge in the suit though.

A K Haart said...

decnine - she probably does know that but doesn't care, the stunt's the thing.