
Thursday 3 October 2024

A move in the BBC game

Disabled mum's 'terrifying' prosecution over non-payment of TV licence

The BBC is looking to broker a new funding deal with the government in the next three years - and critics of the current licence fee model argue it is hard to justify how non-payment is still seen as serious enough to merit criminal prosecution.

As the BBC looks to broker a new funding deal with the government in the next three years, critics of the current licence fee model argue it is hard to justify how non-payment is still seen as serious enough to merit criminal prosecution.

It seems fairly obvious that we'll now be treated to stories such as this in preparation for the BBC to be funded at least partly out of general taxation. 

A move likely to be sold as a benefit when not paying the TV licence is no longer a criminal offence.  Fully funded by taxation when nobody pays for a licence they don't have to pay for. Nobody is surprised at the outcome and state-controlled media moves a little closer.


Sam Vega said...

Yes, I completely agree. Not only will we be treated to stories of goons terrifying innocent non-payers, there is also this angle from the article:

The fee is currently a flat rate of £169.50 - poorest households pay as much as the richest.

What could be nicer than a progressive tax where the rich pay more, and the poorest pay nothing or a nominal fee? Why, it would be just like that our national totem, the NHS, and that's funded out of general taxation. "The BBC - the jewel in our national crown - is free at point of delivery!"

One thing is absolutely certain. Government, and especially Starmer's government, are not going to allow a free for all where individuals and private corporations are allowed to criticise them, without a shield of "fact checkers" and other establishment drones coming to their aid. I imagine that there is ongoing debate as to how they can get away with it without calling it the Ministry of Truth.

James Higham said...

Ministry of Truth … precisely.


In Finland the BBC equivalent (YLE) is baing funded from the budget. It comes from the income tax which pensioners pay too. Don't believe this women incarcerated in prisons bollocks propaganda, the real reason funding may change is the ROPers and illegal scum invaders aka migrants.

Anonymous said...

Here in France we used to have a box on our income tax form that one crossed if one had no TV. A few years ago this was removed and, now, we all pay. (That means that I pay for a service that I do not use/watch).

A K Haart said...

Sam - "The BBC - the jewel in our national crown - is free at point of delivery!"
Yes, that's how it will be sold. I think BBC people know it too.

James - in all but name. They see themselves like that now.

Anon 1 - yes, the BBC has never been concerned about women incarcerated in prisons, otherwise something would have been done years ago.

Anon 2 - I think something similar will be introduced in the UK, paid for by taxpayers whether they watch or not.