
Wednesday 24 January 2024

Pity about the name

Are Tory MPs plotting to get rid of Rishi Sunak?

An opinion poll paid for by a previously unheard of group of unidentified Conservatives, the Conservative Britain Alliance.

A poll talked up and worked on by Tory peer Lord Frost, a long-standing critic of Rishi Sunak.

A poll timed and in its questioning framed, it would appear, to inflict maximum damage on the prime minister - published just as MPs were contemplating how to vote on the government's Rwanda plan.

The three biggest rebellions of Mr Sunak's premiership on proposed changes to that migrant plan and then a shrivelled rebellion of 11 on rejecting the plan in its entirety.

Next, yet another grouping of Conservative agitators, calling themselves "Popular Conservatism".

It must be a disadvantage when the political notion of 'conservative' has been dumped in favour of a mess of woke eco-lunacy where the state is supposed to be in charge of everything you can think of except when it goes wrong.

On the other hand, we have 'Labour', a party for people who don't do anything useful and the 'Liberal Democrats' for people who are neither liberal nor fond of democracy. 

On top of that we have strange words such as 'vote' and 'election'. It's a rum game.


DiscoveredJoys said...

There's a philosophical argument that everything changes into its opposite. Barter becomes money becomes credit cards, for instance.

In which case political parties becoming the opposite of their names is 'just philosophy'.

Which Party will be the first to rename themselves in the rush to be elected? Conservatives become the Tradition Party. Labour becomes the Progressive Party. The Lib Dems will argue interminably and split over a new name. Greens will keep the name but spell it only in smaller lower case letters. The new Reform Party, if successful, will have years before they lose track of their beginnings and are obliged to rename themselves.

But if we ran a competition to select the new names... who knows what might happen. Kneely McKneelyface anyone?

Sam Vega said...

Good initials, though. CBA for "Can't Be Arsed", and PC for "Politically Correct".

A K Haart said...

DJ - the old parties could certainly do with a name change but the debate would be endless even though the ridicule could be entertaining. The Lib Dems might just manage Dem Libs as a name change, but even that would create splits. I like Kneely McKneelyface though, there shouldn't be much argument over that.

Sam - I wonder if they ever wonder how their latest acronyms might be used to make fun of them. They seem to expect some kind of collapse followed by the creation of a new party and are scrabbling to be in at the beginning.