
Tuesday 2 January 2024

Night Words

Yawns, checks the clock… oh, 3:30am so it’s not time to make a cup of tea and why am I trying to remember the name of that guy who is supposed to have said –

Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.

What was his first name… A, B, C, D, E… E - it was Eric something. Yes that’s it - Eric… A, B, C… it was Eric Hoffer. That’s a good effort at this time of night, but where did it come from?

What’s a good analogy of dredging up memories which stay hidden until some kind of input comes along? Something like the first letter of a name? Memory as a kaleidoscope? No that’s just random, it’s nothing like that.

What is it? 


...but remembering Eric Hoffer was something… this time of night...

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