
Sunday 15 October 2023

Make it a year

Australian Indigenous leaders call for 'week of silence' after referendum defeat

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Indigenous leaders called for a week of silence and reflection after a referendum to recognise the First Peoples in the constitution was decisively rejected by a majority of the population.

More than 60% of Australians voted "No" in the landmark referendum on Saturday, the first in almost a quarter of a century, that asked whether to alter the constitution to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people through the creation of an Indigenous advisory body, the "Voice to Parliament".


Timbotoo said...

Bit of a slap down, but all in all a wise decision by the majority of the voters.

A K Haart said...

Timbotoo - I agree, and satisfactorily decisive.

Tammly said...

If Australia wants to avoid unnecessary decline this is absolutely the right vote outcome.

Sam Vega said...

A "Voice to Parliament"? Sounds like turbo-charging your pressure group by means of constitutional change.

Why not a similar body for car owners, or people who think we have more than enough migrants?

dearieme said...

Abo "leaders" like to boast that their ancestors have been there for tens of thousands of years. Does the genetics back them up? Or did later Abo invaders kill and eat the earliest Abo colonists? I don't know; does anyone?

(If there were later Abo invaders and they behaved like much of the rest of mankind they'd have killed the males and kept the females - at least those who were young enough. But did that rule apply to hunter-gatherers?)

A K Haart said...

Tammly - I agree.

Sam - that's it, turbo-charging a pressure group. From what we hear it's a general progressive causes pressure group rather than specifically indigenous.

dearieme - I've only seen odds and ends about the genetics and it sounds complex and uncertain. I assume hunter-gatherers could still have territory they would defend and extend if they could.