
Wednesday 25 October 2023


Bristol grandma climbed M25 gantry 'in climate emergency protest'

Ms Delap, a mother of two, said she had been given climbing training by a Just Stop Oil mentor before taking part in the protest.

Ms Delap, who said demonstrators had gone to a "safe house" the night before the protest, said she had climbed a ladder and sat on the gantry.

Blimey, unless they were having her on, the the JSO lot are so up themselves that they talk about going to a "safe house" beforehand. In hushed voices with mobile phones turned off I hope. 

Or maybe the idea was to see how far the BBC's leg can be pulled, because the daft old Beeb seems to swallow anything like this. 

Not hilarious perhaps, but certainly amusing.


DiscoveredJoys said...

I expect she felt very brave and righteous and gave no thought at all to the feelings of hundreds or thousands of people affected by her actions.

To many activists the ends justify the means - considered by some to be a fallacy of consequentialism because ends simply cannot be predicted.

Sam Vega said...

If you've paid off the mortgage and seen the kids off to uni and families of their own, then there's very little to be said against this sort of criminality. The police are going to treat you with respect, your peers will think you brave and interesting, and a short prison sentence is basically time away from your boring husband and his hobbies.

I hope she hung upside down from the gantry, as befits a daft old bat.

dearieme said...

Send these crack regiments of grannies into action in the Gaza strip. They'll scare the pants off their allies. Their enemies may be more relaxed.

Peter MacFarlane said...

Just leave them there.

A day or two with no food or water and no access to the lavvy should concentrate what passes for their minds quite effectively.

A K Haart said...

DJ - I'm sure she did feel brave and righteous, particularly righteous. She should have long grown out of the "look at me" phase but it sounds as if she hasn't. Not a good role model for her grandchildren.

Sam - it's the embarrassing aspect which grates with me, an oldie not knowing how silly she looks pretending to be radical, and by implication still young in her outlook. You are right though, her peers may well think her brave and interesting. A little batty too perhaps.

dearieme - and nobody would dare blow up gantries.

Peter - that's what I'd do, and prosecute very slowly when they come down.

James Higham said...

Climbing ladders to gantries with fellow loons ... ok, I can see the attraction.

A K Haart said...

James - I can see how people are swept along by it, but once up there I don't see how they manage to avoid feeling silly.