
Monday 23 October 2023

Wood and Lessons

Hyesan schools demand firewood and cash from students to prepare for winter heating

School administrators are worrying that they might have to close their facilities this winter because they cannot heat the classrooms, a source told Daily NK

Schools in Yanggang Province’s city of Hyesan are demanding students contribute firewood or cash to purchase firewood to heat classrooms during the coming winter, Daily NK has learned.

Speaking on condition of anonymity for security reasons, a source in Yanggang Province told Daily NK on Oct. 12 that “schools in Hyesan that have to find ways to get firewood on their own to heat classrooms in winter are pressing students to contribute firewood or cash [to purchase firewood].”

Ho ho, it's only North Korea, but this paragraph is a reminder of how Net Zero is developing.

“Everything here in North Korea is resolved through non-tax burdens placed on ordinary people, but the worsening of people’s finances is leading to increased difficulties,” the source said, referring to items, such as firewood or manure, that the government demands from its people. “The reality faced by people here is shown by the fact that parents have to contribute firewood if they don’t want students to have a tough time this winter.”

A phrase worth remembering - non-tax burdens placed on ordinary people. Our lot are doing that and have been ramping it up for a while. It's an obvious outcome of Net Zero. And outcome indicates intention.


Sam Vega said...

I wouldn't mind a few "non-tax burdens placed on ordinary people" here in the UK. It's called paying for stuff. Trouble is, I would like the tax burden placed on ordinary people to decrease. But that increases, along with the state (both local and national) failing at what it should be doing.

A K Haart said...

Sam - I'd like the tax burden on ordinary people to decrease too but voting for it effectively seems to be impossible. Meanwhile, local and national state failures become bigger and more expensive.