
Monday 30 October 2023

The BBC is hopelessly lost in its bias

Kathy Gyngell has an extremely short TCW piece about the shrinking audience for BBC Radio 4. Too short to quote apart from the headline and one sentence.

375,000 listeners switch off BBC Radio 4 Today programme

That's the headline, this is the sentence -

The BBC is hopelessly lost in its bias as we have reported endlessly over the years.

Yes the BBC is hopelessly lost in its bias, but so is the social class to which it belongs and so are our major political parties. That's likely to be the issue in the next general election, a political elite and a permanent establishment, both hopelessly lost in their bias.

Avoiding bias was once a virtue, however imperfect, partly because it is possible to become hopelessly lost in it.


Sam Vega said...

It's like an infection that's very hard to stop spreading. Once the BBC dropped attempts to be unbiased while still claiming to be, the propaganda it put out started to become a new reality for millions of people. Ideas filter into public life, including schools, universities, and other bits of the press (of course, they are often biased too...) and from then on the BBC recruits its next generation of staff from a biased elite. I wonder whether we could have had a BBC leadership who were capable of withstanding the pressure, and if so what things would have been like now.

dearieme said...

Maybe we should drive a pack of EVs into BBC HQ and set them ablaze. Hoist with their own petard, as it were.

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes it is like an infection which filters into public life. It's as if the scope of veracity is nowhere near to being wide enough to accommodate a much expanded number of professional people. Bias has become the more achievable option for hordes of professional mediocrities.

dearieme - I wonder if BBC staff are nervous about having EVs in their car park?

dearieme said...

You could reduce the bias in the BBC by renaming it the BCB.

DiscoveredJoys said...

I've argued before that the BBC is not politically biased. But it is biased towards the Establishment, and currently the Establishment has been taken over by lefty authoritarians.

Western liberal democracy determined to be 'nice' has adopted cult chants raging against colonialism, patriarchy, white supremacy and heteronormativity. All without pondering the possibility that freedom fighters, the matriarchy, black supremacy and arbitrary gender identities might be also flawed. If theocratic terrorists took over the 'nice' would be the first to be liquidated.

Can the BBC be turned around? No. In which case the BBC should be defunded.

Tammly said...

I and my brother both refuse to listen to the BBC.

I feel a huge change change a comin on.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - the British Cheese Board would certainly give it a patriotic flavour.

DJ - I agree, the BBC can't be turned around, it's too old and inflexible.

Tammly - we haven't listened to it for years and don't miss it. It's a waste of time, there are always better things to do.