
Thursday 23 February 2023

Sir Kneel's Wizard Wheezes


Sir Keir Starmer has outlined the five "missions" he will put at the centre of his party's offer to voters at the next election in a speech in Manchester.

He vowed to make the UK the fastest growing major economy by the end of a first Labour term in government.

Making the country a "clean energy superpower" and cutting health inequalities will be other key priorities if the party wins power.

Sounds just as dreadful as the Tories. It would be good to have a choice, but we haven't. May as well get used to it. 

It's not much of a silver lining, but Sir Kneel's spectacles give him an even more cerebral appearance than his deputy.  


Doonhamer said...

The CGI has got much better since those days and now you might even think that Cur Kneel ( the C is soft, appropriately enough) is a real person.
But this is the Beta 3.01 release many years ago, many, many years.

There are others - just use the Search Engine of your choice.

DAD said...

*He vowed to make the UK the fastest growing major economy by the end of a first Labour term in government.

Making the country a "clean energy superpower"*......

It can be one or the other, not both. From a delusional man who does not know what a woman is.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - it's a surprise to realise how long ago Max Headroom was, but as you say the CGI is much better now. I hear they are planning to replace Angela Rayner with an AI system called GobGPT. Early days but apparently the programming is fairly simple.

DAD - I agree, can't be both. He really ought to learn what a woman is before getting into the complicated stuff.

Sam Vega said...

Hang on - missions for the country?

He's sending us on a mission, is he? I thought the Labour leader's job was just to offer us free stuff.

dearieme said...

"cutting health inequalities": that's easy, you just impose illnesses on otherwise healthy people. Bingo! The inequalities have reduced.

Or, you just slaughter all the unhealthy people. Bingo, same result!

There's no need to do both.

James Higham said...


A K Haart said...

Sam - I think he may be intending to send Angela on a mission somewhere. We get the free stuff and she gets the mission to a place called Tal-y-Ban wherever that is.

dearieme - they could begin by introducing compulsory smoking in hospital wards.

James - it would be less appalling if we had some kind of choice, but we seem to have reached the endgame with that.

DAD said...

Tal-Y-Ban must be in Wales (unfortunately not in whales).

Tammly said...

Kier Starmer a not very bright lawyer and his cabinet of social workers, is going to revive the British economy is he? Like Pol Pot did so much for Cambodian population growth, I'd say.

Bucko said...

Yes, there's certainly no point in voting for any of them. It's wierd how the left hate the Tories and want Labour in, when there's no discernable differences between the two. Lefties could just stop getting angry about everything and enjoy life now, they've pretty much got what they want

A K Haart said...

DAD - I think Sir Kneel would like to see her in whales though.

Tammly - that's it, there is no talent there and little worthwhile experience, merely personal ambition.

Bucko - yes it is weird. I don't think they know the difference between what they want and what it is possible to have.