
Friday 4 November 2022

Where nothing really was happening

Elsie had long ago perceived that, of the girls she knew, those who made the loudest and most frequent noises signifying excitement and hilarity were the ones about whom the boys and, consequently, the other girls, most busily grouped themselves. Naturally, the simple males went where vivacious sound and gesture promised merriment; and of course, too, a crowd naturally gathers where something seems to be happening. So far as Elsie could see, the whole art of general social intercourse seemed to rest on an ability to make something appear to be happening where nothing really was happening.

Booth Tarkington - Women (1925)

It’s a well-known political trick this one. Edit the quote and we have –

So far as Elsie could see, the whole art of general social political intercourse seemed to rest on an ability to make something appear to be happening where nothing really was happening.

As we know, it is also a standard tactic to obscure whatever else is happening. The media use it to fill the gaps between ads and propaganda, but the approach is much the same.


Sam Vega said...

Well, the levers of power seem to be broken or non-existent, and once elected politicians can't really draw attention to the fact. Some are content to remain "good constituency MPs", which basically means being a highly-paid social worker and benefits adviser. Those who persist in scrambling up the greasy pole must realise they have wasted their time, but I imagine there is a good deal of tacit conspiracy involved as they talk each other up, act competent, and keep the show on the road.

A K Haart said...

Sam - "I imagine there is a good deal of tacit conspiracy involved as they talk each other up, act competent, and keep the show on the road."

I agree, that's how it seems to be, and it attracts those who are prepared to go along with it. The levers of power are probably diffused through professional and social networks to such a degree that MPs have no hope of grabbing hold of them.