
Tuesday 15 November 2022

It is impossible that you should be sincere

‘I am sincere!’ she broke in, with more passion than he had ever imagined her capable of uttering.

‘I cannot call it sincerity. It is impossible that you should be sincere; you live in the latter end of the nineteenth century; the conditions of your birth and education forbid sincerity of this kind.’

George Gissing – A Life’s Morning (1888)

As Gissing points out here, there is something not quite genuine about sincerity within certain social circles. Beatrice is the young woman being accused of insincerity, not because of what she could be but because of what her social class and education demand of her.

Within the social circles of people such as Beatrice, sincerity is a vulnerability. To be sincere is to be exposed in a way which could become a social disadvantage among those who accept fashionable discourse as a measure of what they are. The adopted solution is a careless insincerity, a cousin of nihilism without being thoroughly nihilist.

Within the lives of people such as Beatrice, fashionable discourse gives no hostages to aspects of life which others regard as important such as integrity, duty, honesty, facts and even reality itself. Talk is part of the social game, an expertly articulate shallowness which is never quite caught out by genuine sincerity.

Maybe this is what sceptics try to retain - the ability to be sincere even within a comfortable life. To be a sceptic is to accept the discomfort which may be inevitable on the social tightrope of unfashionable views. Maybe within that discomfort, it is possible to retain a degree of uncomfortable sincerity.


Sam Vega said...

Yes, I think that's true and a very neat inversion of the way it is normally thought of. Sceptics are often accused of insincerity, but it is more true to say that they just don't fit into established patterns of insincerity. Scepticism is often a matter of saying "Hold on a minute! I don't really want to play this game any longer!".

Look at middle class climate orthodoxy. It's pretty obvious that these chumps don't actually believe what they are saying. If they did, they would not live the way they do.

A K Haart said...

Sam - "Look at middle class climate orthodoxy. It's pretty obvious that these chumps don't actually believe what they are saying."

Yes and that's the most telling observation from the private jets to the merely fashionable lifestyle changes. Virtually nobody believes it in anything but a virtue-signalling sense.

dearieme said...

Even a psychopathic monomaniac can be sincere: Adolf.

Makes you wonder whether sincerity is overrated.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - I think it's overrated when it merges into various flavours of fanaticism, but then it's probably best described as something else.