
Saturday 5 November 2022

It doesn't have to mean anything

Will developed nations pay compensation for climate damage? The issue that could make or break mass COP27 summit

If the planet warms by 2.5C - roughly as estimated - over a tenth of Egypt's coral cover would disappear, unable to cope with hotter seas packed with more carbon. And so would almost 40% of that income it gets from the reef, the global Ocean Panel initiative has predicted.

Seas packed with more carbon? I wonder what that's supposed to mean - nothing scientific presumably. Or maybe it means the seas will be black with soot, or black and slippery with graphite. Hard to tell because the phrase doesn't have to mean anything - it's journalism.


Sam Vega said...

"If the planet warms by 2.5C - roughly as estimated - over a tenth of Egypt's coral cover would disappear, unable to cope with hotter seas packed with more carbon. And so would almost 40% of that income it gets from the reef, the global Ocean Panel initiative has predicted."

Baksheesh, Baksheesh, Effendi! Baksheesh!

DiscoveredJoys said...

Packed with carbon? Dig up a slab and burn it...

Woodsy42 said...

Maybe a few diamonds will be spontaneously created?

Scrobs. said...

All those prime ministers, poking their noses in things they haven't a clue about, but will 'employ' a dozen or so activists to 'research' and chat with the press.

Graby trains for 'scientists' yet again!

A K Haart said...

Sam - that's it, follow the baksheesh.

DJ - good idea - a sustainable carbon cycle.

Woodsy - that would certainly stir up the climate game.

Scrobs - yes, that's the real driver - easy careers and easy money.