
Sunday 13 November 2022

More on dullards



As far as I'm concerned, it's a damned shame that a field as potentially dynamic and vital as journalism should be overrun with dullards, bums, and hacks, hag-ridden with myopia, apathy, and complacence, and generally stuck in a bog of stagnant mediocrity.

Hunter S. Thompson


Sam Vega said...

From the article:

" paves the way for President Joe Biden to spend two more years filling the federal courts with his nominees and staffing his administration largely the way he sees fit."

Good news, then, for abortionists, men who want to use women's toilets or beat them in sports, political censors, illegal immigrants, and America's enemies on the world stage. Oh, and if anyone is doing a medical study on the effects of wielding power and responsibility on terminally-demented older males, I may have a subject for you.

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes, not a hint that the Biden regime is an obvious disaster. As usual the BBC is sucking up to power and it's an ugly thing to see.