
Monday 8 March 2021

Deep Thinkers



DiscoveredJoys said...

Yet an underclass of permanently poor people is so good for political theatre and media handwringing. If the permanently poor don't exist exist they will have to be created...

And creating something out of nothing requires magic (the speed of the lips deceives the mind) which is why magical 'good works' don't work and have no joined up rationale behind them.

True good works take prolonged time and effort and are not sexy or rewarding.

A K Haart said...

DJ - yes it's what bureaucracies and big charities do. Never do anything to resolve any issue which also happens to be their reason for existing.

Doonhamer said...

Or set the poverty level as a fixed fraction of the mean income.
A poverty problem forever.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - I wonder if it will be adjusted as the ten point plan reduces living standards?