
Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Could be worse than the EU

COVID-19: Boris Johnson joins world leaders in call for global treaty to prepare for next pandemic

Boris Johnson says COVID-19 has exploited the world's divisions but countries must work together to defeat the next pandemic.

Next time let's have a treaty to blame says Boris.


decnine said...

EU/WHO/(insert your choice of Globalist chancer here) says, "Because of this crisis, the only possible solution is more of us". Useless spaffing national leader says, "I agree".

A K Haart said...

decnine - "Because of this crisis, the only possible solution is more of us".

And oddly enough it applies to everything, be it success, failure, dishonesty or irrelevance.

microdave said...

Oi, Boris - hows about you just follow YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT'S Pandemic response plan next time!!! You know, the one which made NO mention of Lockdowns, and envisaged protecting the vulnerable, while letting the rest of us get on with our daily lives...

A K Haart said...

microdave - yes, that was the sane plan. It suggests Boris lacks courage when it comes to difficult decisions.