
Monday, 3 February 2025

The 5 Commonest Mistakes People Make When Cleaning The Bath

The post title is of course a spoof clickbait headline, but it's a rum business when a spoof headline such as this can be more plausible than the genuine headline below.

Or is it genuine? Do we live in Clickbait World?

Heathrow third runway would 'spike global warming emissions by 30% from airport even with eco-fuel for planes'

A third runway would increase global warming emissions from Heathrow by around 30 per cent, according to a new analysis.

Rachel Reeves has argued that developments in sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) mean that the Government can back airport expansion while still meeting its net zero legally binding commitments.


Tammly said...

So now they are making up stories to fool each other?

A K Haart said...

Tammly - yes, it's the Land of Stories.

Sam Vega said...

I liked this bit:

"Dr Lupton explained further: “Heathrow’s analysis of the expansion expects a 50% increase in flights by 2040, which will cause more emissions and climate change."

It will "cause climate change", will it? On its own, or in conjunction with a couple of thousand other airports, a couple of billion cars, and China burning all that coal?

Doonhamer said...

Spike? An extremely quick rise to an infinitesimal short peak and then a quick descent to what it was before. Such as when the exhaust of a jet engine sweeps past a Met Office, carefully positioned, Stevenson Screen box. Just to produce the highest recorded temperature at that location in the entire history of Earth. I could live with that.
These people struggle with the English language as well as physics and mathematics.
And logic. So all these world travellers, and Lammy, are going to cancel their essential journey because Heathrow does not have another runway. Aye, right! No, just as with all our nasty polluting heavy industry that we have given up, another country will be happy to oblige.

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes, it's why I did the post like this, the claim is the most absurd drivel.

Bucko said...

We're now in a place where the very people who make the laws, are bound by laws that the people who made laws before them, made.
Ridiculous situation, and easy to get out of

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - there was a time when out of interest I'd take Met Office temperature data and plot my own spreadsheet graphs. When I discovered how 'useless' they are at measuring temperature I gave it up. That 'useless' as in 'dishonest'.

A K Haart said...

Bucko - I recently read an article which said the main task of Parliament for some time should be to repeal thousands of laws which get in the way of actually doing anything.

Bucko said...

A K Haart - Very true. But I'm not sure a remember a time when a government repealed a law. They do love their laws