There is no simple key to complex things – John Buchan
A clear London-centric southern bias there, which proves that Boris's "levelling up" agenda didn't work. 2TK's policy of dispersing young male third-world scamps to more northern and rural areas seems much more likely to even things out.
Sam - yes, it's a pity they didn't explain that "levelling up" means levelling up crime rates.
Not able to post it here, but saw a notice below the street sign for Downing Street, proclaiming, "Warning. Thieves operate in this area". Never a truer statement.Penseivat
Penseivat - ha ha, I think I've seen that somewhere, must browse for it, but as you say, never a truer statement.
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A clear London-centric southern bias there, which proves that Boris's "levelling up" agenda didn't work.
2TK's policy of dispersing young male third-world scamps to more northern and rural areas seems much more likely to even things out.
Sam - yes, it's a pity they didn't explain that "levelling up" means levelling up crime rates.
Not able to post it here, but saw a notice below the street sign for Downing Street, proclaiming, "Warning. Thieves operate in this area". Never a truer statement.
Penseivat - ha ha, I think I've seen that somewhere, must browse for it, but as you say, never a truer statement.
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