A fairly heavy overnight fall of snow in our bit of Derbyshire. It's a good job we have fields full of super electric solar panels to supply the grid and keep us warm in weather like this.
We're relying on boring, old-fashioned gas central heating and wood at the moment. And a nice, thick fleece from China, where the solar panels were probably made. The wood comes from this country.
You are obviously seeing at first hand the results of 'global boiling'. Good job the next Ice Age predicted in the seventies did not come to pass.
The Chinese will solve everything. The more solar panels and fleeces they produce, the more CO2 they put into the atmosphere, leading to more global warming, which will end the snow. They'll trash their own fleece industry, of course, but they're nothing if not enterprising and will soon start developing air conditioning units to sell us.
DJ - the irony is that preparations for another Ice Age would probably still require insulation and electrification, but reliable (low carbon) nuclear rather than the absurd course we are embarked on how.
Sam - and more sunshine will make those solar panels more effective so they can power the air conditioning units.
Yeah! Gas central heating and a wood burning stove is a wonderful combination!
Tammly - it is, sitting here now with the wood burner going and gas central heating for background warmth in the rest of the house.
Me too!
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