
Monday 18 March 2024

Uncultured and non-socialist pedicabs

N. Korean pedicab driver arrested in Pyongyang after protesting fine

The arrest comes amid a crackdown on pedicab drivers, whom the authorities say are making money in an "uncultured and non-socialist" fashion

“An increasing number of people have been earning money by operating refurbished pedicabs in the suburban districts of Pyongyang, which has led to a crackdown by the Pyongyang police. A man who complained about a police fine is about to be sentenced to six months of disciplinary labor,” a source in Pyongyang told Daily NK on Tuesday, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Driving a North Korean pedicab out of financial necessity sounds pretty close to disciplinary labour to me. Maybe it isn't close enough by those cultured, socialist North Korean standards. 


Scrobs. said...

Police reports that an Englsh Mare, believed to be a Sadgit Khaaan, has applied for a visa to come to NK to assess the ideas for London, England.

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - although he already has quite a few ideas of his own, ideas which NK may well adopt.