
Thursday 28 March 2024

Busy Day

We'll be setting off on the school run soon, but with lighter mornings I can see the potholes more clearly. It seems absurd that later this year voters will probably vote for more of the same, a level of malign, unthinking incompetence so extreme it isn't even easy to be angry about it.

Likely to be a busy day today as I have a log delivery and things to do. I'll enjoy stacking another load of logs as long as the rain holds off, but that's another gripe. We'll elect a government which among other things is bound to carry on claiming it can alter global weather patterns. 

Voters should dwell on that one before making their mark on the paper. Then dwell on it again. Most won't.


Peter MacFarlane said...

“ We'll elect a government which among other things is bound to carry on claiming it can alter global weather patterns. ”

Is there another government we can elect, that won’t claim this?

A K Haart said...

Peter - there is Reform of course, but Reform isn't going to form the next government. Yet I do see many online comments to the effect that the two major parties are essentially the same and not worth a vote. Something is stirring even if it ends up being defeated by tribal voting.