
Monday 16 August 2021

The BBC finds new depths to plumb

BBC journalist blames Donald Trump for Afghanistan's collapse MONTHS after he left

A PROMINENT BBC journalist has blamed Donald Trump for the collapse of Afghanistan's Government - despite him leaving office seven months ago.

Veteran foreign correspondent John Simpson claimed in a column on the national broadcaster’s website the former US President was responsible for the Taliban’s victory. He glossed over the fact that current President Joe Biden vowed to maintain Mr Trump’s stance to pull out all US forces - despite having the power to overturn it.

The BBC knows that Biden's election as president was blatantly dodgy, knows the man probably has mental issues severe enough to prevent him from grasping the situation and is surrounded by a foreign policy establishment in the failed Obama mould.

What could possibly go wrong?... oh it already has. 


Scrobs. said...

I heard an ex-soldier on Radio5Dead the other night, telling us that the Afghan disaster started with Obama well before President Trump got going to deal with the abject failure of his predecessor. Mr Trump tried his damndest to sort out the problem a waffling ex-president had screwed up, and got the best deal possible!

The soldier was so knowledgeable, interesting and decisive, that of course the Beeb bloke was left well behind, but as the 'podcast' (copout), was during the night, nobody really bothers to listen - except Scrobs...

The BBC are trying to show mr buydon in a positive light, but just about anyone with a pulse knows that the old fool is well past his sell-by date, and hasn't a clue what to do next. Getting lost in the shrubbery was just farcical!

Sam Vega said...

Trump is of course a vulgar narcissist who tweeted rubbish. That's what the BBC were keen on us believing, and I have to agree with them.

Since he left office, though, Iran stepped up its proxy war on Israel, leaving hundreds dead. Russia has been increasingly bellicose in its rhetoric. Now Afghanistan has collapsed. I bet the State Council in China are having some interesting conversations these days.

Woodsy42 said...

Think of the opportunities for the armament manufacturers.

A K Haart said...

Scrobs - impossible to know now, but my impression is that Trump would have handled it far better than this. He would have responded much more quickly for example.

Sam - yes the BBC never saw past the tweets and apparently didn't want to.

Woodsy - yet these days there are not many opportunities to try them out.