
Friday 20 August 2021

Indirect praise

Greta Thunberg says claims that UK is a climate leader are 'a lie' as UNICEF report finds one billion children at 'high risk' from climate impacts

The latest report by UNICEF has found that around 1 billion of the world's 2.2 billion children live in countries classified as being at "extremely-high risk" of the impacts of the climate crisis.

Indirect praise perhaps, but coming from the Climate Goblin it must be authoritative. If we in the UK are even slightly less than fanatical about the pursuit of climate fantasies then that's a very small plus for the UK. No doubt Prime Minister Nut Nut will try to do more, but reality is on our side. Not that reality counts for much.  


Sam Vega said...

Why don't journalists ever ask the spoilt little figurehead for some realistic, costed proposals?

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Probably the best people not to ask the question are the awful BBC.

Horrorbin is a crazed english student, not a 'climate' expert, so believe nothing they spout.

Most normal citizens know that Greta is a silly little puppet and worthless in a field of grownups.

DiscoveredJoys said...

I'm reminded of a club mascot propounding why the team will do better in next match. Perhaps Greta should wear a cute polar bear suit for the next media interview?

A K Haart said...

Sam - a good question and it's a huge clue that they don't. All very strange though.

Scrobs - I'm sure you are right and most normal citizens do know that Greta is a silly little puppet. It's as if it doesn't matter though, as if it doesn't really matter what we believe, this is how it's going to be.

DJ - a cute polar bear suit for the next media interview would be good, although I'm not sure she could ever really do cute.