
Monday, 10 February 2025

Quick Learners

French labour minister calls for speedy AI integration in business

French labour minister Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet has urged companies and employees to embrace artificial intelligence without delay, as President Emmanuel Macron hosted a major AI summit in the country...

“We must speed up AI adoption across all sectors,” she urged.

It is remarkable how quickly politicians acquire expertise. 

It's much the same in the UK, although Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet must envy the expertise of Ed Miliband. Our Ed seems to be the only person in the world to understand how and why the global climate changes even though he is not so hot on the best way to consume bacon sarnies. 


Sam Vega said...

Most of the job seems to be about exhortation and boosterism. They hear about some new development that seems like a "good thing", and then start making speeches and holding conferences and symposia where they go on about how we need more of it, or we need it quicker, and how we need to support and encourage the people who do it and make it.

It's an odd business, and very different from those politicians who arrive with some expertise from a previous career - the bankers, lawyers, farmers, etc. I guess a lot depends on what holiday reading politicians do. Who do we thank for recommending the wrong books to Ed?

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes it is an odd business, and strangely simple-minded, as if such people have adopted a superficial message from a few chats, skimmed articles and maybe a book. It seems likely that Ed imbibed some kind of collectivist outlook from his father and blended it with simple sustainability stuff from sources he should have questioned.

Doonhamer said...

Ed, like all his privileged suckers at the taxpayer teat, has always lived and worked, as well as being ferried from one to the other, in an overheated space.
Because? Well, look who is paying.
So it naturally seems to him, especially as the free top rate nosh adds blubber, that, yes indeed the temperature is rising.
Not for him the extra old jumpers, scarfs, socks, long-john's and hood to save on that very expensive, but always decreasing in price "free"energy.
This latter price reality versus Ed's wizard intentions reminds me of Relativity, M. C. Escher's sketch. The steps go down but the pedestrian always end up higher.

DiscoveredJoys said...

Perhaps Ed has an unconscious 'class memory' of 'energy too cheap to meter' from the 1950s? Alongside a 'renewables produce free energy' misapprehension?

Shame the 'We are heading into a new Ice Age' 'class memory' from the 1970s didn't stick.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - yes that's the problem, Ed and co. are privileged suckers at the taxpayer teat, lead comfortable lives and have no incentive to delve into the Net Zero nonsense and risk comfort and career as well as endangering useful social contacts.

Honest pragmatism isn't going to come out of that comfort zone and voting for people such as Ed is as useless as the snake oil he sells.

A K Haart said...

DJ - a former colleague of mine, a degree level scientist, once said that tidal energy is free. It may be that the 'renewables produce free energy' notion is for some people a strong background to the issue, because in a sense it is free, but it is necessary to research the practical costs and many people seem to skip that.

If we get significant global cooling, that Ice Age' 'class memory' may come back pretty quickly.