
Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Charity ambassador

Rishi Sunak ‘honoured’ to become prostate cancer charity ambassador

Former prime minister Rishi Sunak has said he is “honoured” to become an ambassador for a prostate cancer charity.

He will support Prostate Cancer Research’s campaign to introduce a national screening programme for men at high risk of the disease.

Last Thursday Mr Sunak met workers at the laboratories of British cancer diagnostics company Oxford BioDynamics, where they are working on a new blood test.

Mrs H had a hospital appointment early this morning, nothing serious fortunately and we're back home now, but as we settled down with a cuppa, this headline caught my medically-attuned attention.
Merely a casual observation this, but I reckon Rishi Sunak is a much better choice for the role than, say Keir Starmer would be even after he has finally been ousted as PM. Politically I'm not a fan of either man, but Sunak comes across as decent and suited to it, while Starmer doesn't.

I don't know much about it and only know one chap who contracted prostate cancer. Haven't seen him for a few months, but it was caught early and he seems to be fine.


DiscoveredJoys said...

Prostate cancer tends to strike old white men. 2TK appears to dislike pensioners so being 'an Ambassador' seems a poor fit, unless there are benefits perhaps?

dearieme said...

My wife met Rishi once. She judged him an agreeable and intelligent young man. She was in his constituency and asked around: they liked him too.

It was when she raised a matter of policy that he didn't do well. Still, head and shoulders above Sir Pink Blancmange. Except literally - they are both small. But Sir P is small figuratively too: a man of no stature whatsoever. A twerp.

A K Haart said...

DJ - it does seem a poor fit. Anything requiring an aura of generosity would probably be a poor fit for Starmer, apart from anything else he's just too wooden.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - interesting but not surprising, with even a hint of radically conservative politics maybe Sunak could have done much better. Stature is a problem Sir P can't resolve at all - he is small figuratively.

Sam Vega said...

Amazing how we all used to curse Rishi and accuse him of being conniving (the famous prepared leadership website) and useless (everything else). But now his premiership looks like a golden age.

With regard to charities, he does indeed seem to be a charitable, decent bloke. Starmer, however, comes across as the antithesis. No charity that valued its image would consider him. Apart from those refugee welfare outfits, of course.

dearieme said...

On the football highlights at the weekend we were treated to a shot of Rishi in the stands at Southampton. He's still following his boyhood local side though they are doomed to relegation.

Whereas Sir Pinkie sits in a luxury box at Arsenal, not his local boyhood side. In the extremely unlikely event of Arsenal facing relegation Sir Pinkie would presumably transfer his affections to some other side. I suspect that transferring his affections to some other side is a skill he has: just ask Jeremiah Corbyn. Or others.

A K Haart said...

Sam - yes, Rishi's premiership does look like a golden age. It wasn't of course, but at least rapid decline didn't appear to be the preferred option.

dearieme - being a dedicated football supporter doesn't quite fit Sir Pinkie. Doesn't mean he isn't one in his weird way, but he doesn't seem to have enough enthusiasm for it.