
Sunday 25 December 2022

From the Inside



Sackerson said...


Sam Vega said...

" I was then persuaded, and remained confirmed, that the voice of honest indignation is the voice of God, I cared not for consequences, but wrote."

(William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.

A K Haart said...

Sackers - no surprises, but interesting to have it spelled out.

Sam - and it is getting through to an audience.

dearieme said...

She did that well. How on earth did she escape the youtube censors?

What did I learn? (i) The sort of people who work in "media" are largely wretched humans. I knew that from university days but there's no harm in being reminded. (ii) Men get off with this sort of thing when women don't. This gave me pause - usually I dismiss all such whining but her example of the odious Piers Morgan was rather persuasive. (iii) She's sound on the mob, and on the wisdom of "never apologise, never explain". (iv) Rupert Murdoch is a ******* ****.

As for Clarkson - he was twerp enough to apologise so I shall weep no tears over whatever happens to him. I might have felt differently if the column had shown the least evidence of intelligence or wit.

A K Haart said...

dearieme - I don't know how she escaped the youtube censors, but as a condemnation of old media, it may be viewed benignly. Yes, media people are wretched humans, it seems to attract and nurture them.