
Sunday, 7 February 2021

The sooner the discovery is made


Neither man nor woman can be worth anything until they have discovered that they are fools. This is the first step towards becoming either estimable or agreeable; and until it be taken there is no hope. The sooner the discovery is made the better, as there is more time and power for taking advantage of it. Sometimes the great truth is found out too late to apply to it any effectual remedy. Sometimes it is never found at all; and these form the desperate and inveterate causes of folly, self-conceit, and impertinence.

William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne


Doonhamer said...

Time to short diamonds?
Or is it just a scam by the Davosites to get bling cheap?

Sam Vega said...

To take a look at the article, I Googled BBC Business. I found it, way below another news item which says that energy prices are due for a big increase. Well, I guess we ought to get used to them...

What I found interesting about the actual article was the solutions proffered. Hydrogen or heat pumps. Hydrogen apparently needs a lot of energy to produce it (I'm going to have to research the science on this!) so most of us need heat pumps. They've just put one in across the road from us. £40k, I think. And what happens if you live in a block of flats?

The Jannie said...

Don't doubt that no matter what happens, some spivs not a million miles from politicians will be coining it at our expense

wiggiatlarge said...

I am doing an article on this scam a little later on the Broad Oak Magazine, but we are in the midst of moving house in a couple of days or not as the case may be so there is a delay.

I had an electrician friend who had a barn conversion and went full eco with ground source heat pump and all the insulation that would make it all work at great expense.

He did some electrical work here a few years ago and we talked about his heating, in short he was very disappointed, the heat pumps do not give enough heat in the very cold weather and the electric override cuts in to raise the temperature, this in a nutshell is very expensive and negates any gains during the rest of the year, plus you need half an acre to bury the pipes in and pricey pumps, he declared if he had known all this he would not have gone ahead.
There was more but I will reserve that for later.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - the constant references to carbon annoy me. As if they know it is incorrect but don't care.

Sam - from what I read, heat pumps are not very good and even worse in cold weather where they have to be boosted by electrical heating. Hydrogen is expensive to produce and tricky to handle.

Jannie - wasn't David Cameron's father-in-law coining it from the wind turbine game?

Wiggia - we once stayed in a holiday cottage with a ground sourced heat pump. It required lots of land and was surprisingly noisy.