
Saturday 6 February 2021

Envy of the world




Vatsmith said...

As I don't read the Grauniad I was able to get my NHS dental check-up the other day without any problem.

Sam Vega said...

It's the envy of the world only if it is properly funded.

Which is never, of course.


Man Beach said...

On 23rd March last year I had a text giving me less than 6 hours notice that my routine NHS dental checkup was cancelled and that they'd be in contact as soon as they could. Since then I've had the occasional email from them saying that they're concentrating on urgent cases. After 7 months I gave up, registered with a private dentist and was seen within a week. It's not so much the fact that I have to pay for dental treatment that I resent, it's the fact that I'm also paying for a NHS service which isn't delivering.

A K Haart said...

Vatsmith - it sounds as if not reading the Grauniad is one of life's positives affecting real life. I always suspected it.

Sam - it is tricky. The NHS is more powerful than the government in many ways.

Man Beach - interesting. We use a private dentist and have had no problems, but a friend of my wife had to do as you did. She just couldn't get treatment from her NHS dentist and eventually had to go private to get it. She was told as you were, they were only concentrating on urgent cases, but in the end she didn't believe them.

Doonhamer said...

You cannot sue the vaccine makers for any cock-up.
The NHS should have the same protection. If it/they accidently kill you, or infect you or take out the wrong kidney you or your relatives should not be able to sue the NHS.
This would increase funds available for patient care by over 25%, Reduce the need for twenty to thirty attendee arse covering meetings before each operation and probably other benefits.
Shame for the legal profession, but then Battery Seargent Major Williams had a suitable response.

wiggiatlarge said...

I have an annual check for glaucoma, this was originally done at the hospital eye clinic but they off loaded it to the opticians, which of course you have to pay for!

My last scan showed an abnormality that needed the attention of the eye clinic, and I duly received a letter saying an appointment would be forthcoming.
Needless to say nothing has been forthcoming and my opticians have just sent a letter saying my eye test is overdue, the last was early January last year so thirteen months later still no eye clinic.
Many eye problems are now only done by opticians and of course you pay, slowly but surely much of the NHS will be reduced unless of course you require gender realignment when quite rightly you will go to the head of the queue!

There are areas of the NHS that are to all intents and purposes non existent.

As for an NHS dentist, last time I saw one round here was around 1960.

A K Haart said...

Doonhamer - as much as 25%? Seems high.

Wiggia - hearing seems to be going the same way.